Inspirational photo for the interior design of the new TEMS building

Constructing a Montessori-inspired building is undoubtedly a complex task that involves taking into account many aspects of Montessori pedagogy. From the layout of the space to the choice of furniture, everything must be carefully designed to foster independence, responsibility and respect in all our students. That is why we want our new building, The Forest School, to reflect the Montessori philosophy at its best.

One of the most important aspects of the construction of our new Montessori-inspired building is the layout of the space. In Juniors, each classroom must be a reflection of the real world, where children can learn in a meaningful way, spaces with rules of coexistence agreed by all. In this way, students learn to respect the rules of coexistence and to take care of their environment, while at the same time fostering respect: respect for oneself, for others and for what surrounds us, something primordial within the Montessori philosophy.

Outdoor classroom spaces: An opportunity for outdoor learning.  

In addition, in the new building, each Junior classroom will have an outdoor space where children can plant and care for the environment. This space will allow our students to practice real-life tasks and give us the opportunity to promote the benefits of free-flow learning. Meanwhile, inside the classroom, we promote the idea that the space belongs to the children, not the teachers. It is the children who take care of it and in this way they are taught the value of responsibility.

Another important aspect of our school relocation project is the furniture. In Juniors, this must be adapted to the pupils, at their level so that they can choose materials freely, all in an orderly manner. In this sense, although we are committed to sustainability by reusing Montessori furniture and materials from our current building, we will have new features that will be designed so that the children can use them independently, thus encouraging their autonomy, exploration and practical learning.

In terms of the choice of materials, wood is one of the materials that will be most present throughout the building in general, and in the classrooms in particular. Wood is a natural and sustainable material that reflects the Montessori philosophy and will help us to follow the line of constructing a building based on a natural and welcoming environment.

A building that encourages independence and responsibility.  

In our relocation project we have considered how we can construct our new building so that our students develop autonomy and self-confidence. The answer, in large part, has been found in the size of the classrooms. With spaces averaging 48m2, we have the opportunity to create different spaces within the classroom to develop numerous tasks that foster these skills. In this way, our students can develop their decision-making skills and feel more comfortable and independent in the school space.

Independence and responsibility are fundamental to Montessori education. Students have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them, which fosters a culture of self-improvement and the constant search for new challenges.

Our students, and all those who join our community during this time, will face the challenge of having to adapt to a new educational space. But we are sure that they will overcome it with flying colours as this new building has been conceived with each student as the protagonist of the project.

Our new building in La Florida will be a place with a stimulating and carefully prepared learning environment that will reflect our methodology and curriculum and, without a doubt, a place that will help our students prepare for real life.

Post written by Cynthia Davies (Head of Juniors), Mercedes López (Montessori Coordinator) and Emma Roe (Year 3 teacher, who is preparing a master’s degree in Montessori philosophy expert).